We are open to all populations and age groups!
LaRocca Fitness is an upscale personal and group training studio with a no nonsense feel. We strive to give all of our clients a fun, comfortable atmosphere where they can get a serious workout in and hit their goals.
Each instructor on our staff, from our owner, Rob LaRocca, to our head trainer, Coach Chris, are certified in many different areas. These include nationally accredited training licenses, nutritional certifications, as well as specialty certifications in self defense, athletic training and much more. Based on the clients’ specific needs, our staff will match the client up with the trainer that best fits his/her needs.
Our small, boutique style studio is exclusive and always “One on One.” This means there is no interaction with large amounts of people. This also means our studio is easier to clean and sanitize. We use state of the art sanitizing systems as well as ventilation and purification systems to keep our clients safe and healthy at all times.
For more information call (718) 702- 4540 or fill out our short form.