Rob Larocca 1on1 Virtual Co-Founder & Trainer

Rob LaRocca, a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition expert, stands at the forefront of fitness innovation. As the co-founder of “1 on 1 Virtual,” Rob brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success in the fitness industry.

Founder of LaRocca Fitness: A Journey to Success
With an ACE certification in personal training and a passion for wellness that stems from his personal transformation, Rob founded LaRocca Fitness—an acclaimed personal training gym in the heart of NYC. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of fitness, having overcome his own struggles with weight and health through dedicated research and commitment.

A Commitment to Holistic Fitness
What sets Rob apart is his holistic approach to fitness. Recognizing that true change extends beyond the gym, he emphasizes habit change both inside and outside workout sessions. Rob is a fervent advocate for High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), pushing clients not only physically but also mentally to achieve their full potential.

Changing Lives, One Client at a Time
Rob’s commitment to his clients goes beyond the physical. He understands that transforming the body is a catalyst for transforming lives. His success is measured not just in pounds lost or muscles gained but in the positive, lasting impact on his clients’ overall well-being.

Recognized Excellence: LaRocca Fitness
Under Rob’s leadership, LaRocca Fitness has earned its place among the top 5 Personal Training Gyms in Staten Island. His focus on functional HIIT training has not only helped clients shed pounds and get in shape but has also built mental toughness that transcends the gym and influences their everyday lives.

1 on 1 Virtual: A Vision for Inclusive Fitness
With “1 on 1 Virtual,” Rob extends his vision to a national level. Recognizing the barriers many face in accessing traditional gyms, he aims to bring personalized fitness solutions directly to individuals across the country. By eliminating concerns about transportation, childcare, and crowded gym spaces, Rob ensures that everyone, regardless of resources, has the opportunity to embark on their fitness journey.

Rob LaRocca’s mission is clear: to empower individuals nationwide to achieve their fitness goals, revolutionizing the way we approach health and wellness. Join him on this transformative journey with “1 on 1 Virtual” and experience fitness on your terms.

Elite Boxing and Self-Defense Training

At LaRocca Fitness, we take pride in offering top-notch boxing and self-defense training that goes beyond the ordinary. Our specialized programs are designed to elevate your skills, boost your confidence, and sculpt your physique, all under the expert guidance of our esteemed trainer, Santo Curatolo.

Unleash Your Potential with Santo Curatolo

Meet Your Trainer: Santo Curatolo

Dive into the world of combat sports with our lead trainer, Santo Curatolo, a seasoned professional in the realms of MMA and grappling. His remarkable achievements include:

Pro MMA Fighter and Pro Grappler: Santo brings real-world, in-the-ring experience to your training sessions, ensuring you receive unparalleled expertise.

4x NYC Wrestling Champion: Mastering the art of wrestling in the heart of New York City, Santo’s prowess on the mat is unmatched.

3x Greco Roman State Champion: Santo’s excellence extends to the Greco Roman style, showcasing his versatility in various forms of wrestling.

2x Freestyle State Champion: Santo’s dedication to freestyle wrestling has earned him the title of State Champion twice over.

BJJ Purple Belt: Ground yourself in the fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Santo’s expert guidance, as he holds a well-deserved purple belt.

2017 Knockout of the Year Nominee: Witness Santo’s explosive striking abilities that earned him a nomination for Knockout of the Year in 2017.

Dana White Contender Series Veteran: Santo has stepped onto the grand stage of the Dana White Contender Series, showcasing his skills on a global platform.

Elevate Your Training Experience

What Sets LaRocca Fitness Apart:

  1. Comprehensive Boxing Curriculum: Explore the art of conventional boxing through carefully crafted training modules, covering drills, pad work, heavy bag sessions, conditioning, and more.
  2. Personalized Approach: Benefit from personalized attention and tailored training plans to suit your skill level and goals.
  3. Proven Results: Our training programs are designed not just for fitness but for success in the ring, with a track record of producing skilled and confident individuals.

Join Us in the Pursuit of Excellence

Experience the LaRocca Fitness difference — where passion meets expertise, and every punch brings you closer to your goals. Join Santo Curatolo on the journey to unlock your full potential in boxing and self-defense. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fighter, our gym is the perfect place to hone your skills and achieve greatness.

Are you ready to lace up your gloves and step into the ring with Santo? Contact us today to start your transformative journey. Give us a call at (728) 702 4540 or fill out our short form.